Georeflex Srl is a Service Company founded in 1995.
Since October 1996 Georeflex Srl is included in the vendor list of Servizio Provinciale Difesa del Suolo - Risorse Idriche e Risorse Forestali (ex Genio Civile) of Parma, Reggio Emilia and Piacenza.
Since April 1997 Georeflex Srl is in the list of the “tested” Companies of Soprintendenza ai beni archeologici of Emilia Romagna, operating in the field of geophysics for archaeological surveys.
Since April 1998 Georeflex Srl is in the Vendor list of Aquater SpA (ENI Group).
Since September 1998 Georeflex Srl is one of the Companies working on behalf of CNR on projects for cultural heritage preservation.
In 1998 and 2004 Georeflex Srl accomplished geophysical surveys for archaeology and for contaminated sites delimitation on behalf of CEPAV (Alta Velocità project).
In 1999 Georeflex Srl executed geophysical surveys for Regione Toscana VEL Project, evaluation of local effects in case of an earthquake).
In 2002 Georeflex Srl started a new collaboration with Servizio Sismico Nazionale for Seismic Microzonation studies, in order to evaluate the local effects produced by an earthquake, in compliance to the new law emanated by the Italian Government (Nuova Normativa Antisismica, Ordinanza n. 3274 may 2003 and Testo Unico NTC2008).
Since 2003 Georeflex Srl is in the Vendor list of Snam Progetti S.p.A. (ENI Group).
Since 2003 Georeflex Srl is a contractor of Sorgenia S.p.A. for thermoelectric plants planning and relevant alimentation gas pipelines.
Since 2003 Georeflex Srl provide geotechnical support to ENEL Distribution Group S.p.A. of Bologna for electrical transmission network planning.
Since 2003 Georeflex Srl provides geotechnical support to Terna S.p.A. of Rome for electrical transmission network planning.
Since 2005 Georeflex is involved, on behalf of Saipem S.p.A. in feasibility studies for oil and gas pipelines planning and follow up activities.
In 2008 and 2009 Georeflex Srl was involved in Urbanization projects (Province of Lodi) on behalf of Sorgenia S.p.A.
Since 2009 Georeflex Srl is included in the Vendor list of Saipem S.p.A. (Eni Group).
In 2009, on behalf of Ansaldo Energia S.p.A. Georeflex Srl was involved in environmental mitigation plans and technical follow up for combined cycle thermoelectric plants.
From 2009 to 2010 Georeflex Srl was engaged for geophysical control and topographic activities in projects for dams and water pits consolidation (Solgeo Srl, Tecnecos Srl, Geos Srl and Ansaldo Energia S.p.A.).
From 2010 to 2011 base project activities and relevant follow up for pipeline crossing execution by trenchless technology (TOC, microtunneling and raise boring) on behalf of Sorgenia S.p.A., Saipem S.p.A. and P&F Srl
From 2011 to 2012 Georeflex Srl was involved in the topographic monitoring of the new underground in Teheran (Iran) on behalf of Proiter Srl.
In 2011 and 2012 base project for a horticultural crop fed by the cycle combined thermoelectric plant of Turano Lodigiano. |