pipeline planning (oil, gas, water) Georeflex Srl has an important know-how matured after the collaboration with the major Companies working in this activity.
Main services offered for planning support are the following:
• Feasibility reports relevant to pipeline tracing (environmental impact studies, verification of compliance with laws, etc.);
• Base and final project;
• Geological, geotechnical and hydrogeological assistance during construction phase;
• Coordination and supervision for archaeological preservation during excavation and pipeline lay-down;
• Geological studies for areas subject to geological risk (landslides);
• Microzonation studies for areas subject to seismic risk;
• Studies for slopes hydraulic restoration following pipeline lay-down;
• Census of water points and studies about source alimentation in areas of hydrogeological risk;
• Coordination of geognostic and geophysical campaigns for tracing planning;
• Coordination of activities for gas and electric networks;
• Permit obtainment for pipeline construction;
• High precision topographic surveys.

For pipelines planning and lay-down, Georeflex Srl operates using up to date
technologies, as for example the
trenchless one, by which it is possible to install pipelines in the subsurface limiting to maximum the open air excavations.
Among no-dig or trenchless technologies, the most widely used are Auger Boring horizontal drilling, Microtunneling and Directional Drilling.
The drilling mud represents an important factor for the execution of Microtunneling and Directional Drilling technologies. Parameters relevant to mud such as density, pH, filter cake and sand content are constantly measured by specific instrumentation during the drilling phase.